Plan:                                  Proposal2

                              Plan Type:



                              Population Summary Report


                              Wednesday March 27, 2002                                                                                                                                                 2:32 PM

                              DISTRICT                         POPULATION       DEVIATION      % DEVN.                 [18+_Pop]                [18+_Blk]              [% 18+_Blk]



                              1                                                   9,112                     -88            -0.96                          6,751                       3,682                      54.54%

                              2                                                   9,058                   -142            -1.54                          6,766                       1,047                      15.47%

                              3                                                   9,244                       44             0.48                          6,836                       2,028                      29.67%

                              4                                                   9,075                   -125            -1.36                          7,064                       2,655                      37.58%

                              5                                                   9,142                     -58            -0.63                          6,988                       1,324                      18.95%

                              6                                                   9,175                     -25            -0.27                          6,703                          790                      11.79%

                              7                                                   9,376                     176             1.91                          6,940                       1,198                      17.26%

                              8                                                   9,257                       57             0.62                          6,743                       3,416                      50.66%

                              9                                                   9,246                       46             0.50                          6,938                       4,496                      64.80%

                              10                                                 9,189                     -11            -0.12                          6,329                       4,065                      64.23%

                              11                                                 9,330                     130             1.41                          6,447                       4,560                      70.73%


                              Total Population:                                         101,204

                              Ideal District Population:                                 9,200

                              Summary Statistics

                              Population Range:                                  9,058 to 9,376

                              Ratio Range:                                           1.04

                              Absolute Range:                                     -142 to 176

                              Absolute Overall Range:                         318.00

                              Relative Range:                                       -1.54% to 1.91%

                              Relative Overall Range:                          3.46%

                              Absolute Mean Deviation:                     82.00

                              Relative Mean Deviation:                       0.89%

                              Standard Deviation:                                101.40